Clicks 4 Charity
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Clicks4Charity Blog
Pet Pardons-Save Pets From Being Put to Death!
Posted by Ashtyn on 07 February 2012 at 7:40 PM
Join Pet Pardons on Facebook!
You can post a pet who is on death row (or in a no-kill shelter) to try and save them, or go to a pet's profile and click "Advocate" to share the pet on your wall and hopefully find the help they need. The more Advocates a pet has, the better chance they have of being seen by someone who can save them.
Pet Pardons is a facebook app designed to promote animals on death row at shelters, or in no-kill shelters, and find them a forever home.
Please join this group on facebook. You can advocate for pets to try and keep them from being euthanized and spread the word so they have more of a chance of being adopted!
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