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Clicks 4 Charity

Be the change you want to see in the world. -Gandhi

Through Giving


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Sell Unwanted Items For Charity

Declutter your house and support charities at the same time by selling your unwanted items on ebay. You can sell your item and donate 10-100% of the proceeds to the charity of your choice.

Help with your computer when you're not using it

On these websites, you download a small piece of software. That software is used for research to find a cure for cancer, among other things.
World Community Grid
Folding at Home
Climate Prediction

Donate your hair

These are charitable organizations that give hair to children that suffer from hair loss.
Locks of Love

Sponsor acres of forest

The following organizations allow you to sponsor acres of rainforest. The forest will be saved from deforestation.
Rainforest Concern
Cool Earth

Join The Be The Match Registry Not only can you become an organ donor, you can also become a marrow donor. Sign up, complete the kit and send it in, and you will be registered among other donors and make a greater chance that someone in need of a marrow transplant will get the transplant they need. See the site for more info by clicking on the title.
Cell Phones for Soldiers Cell Phones for Soldiers is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing cost-free communication services to active duty military members and veterans. You can donate your gently used cell phone to help them.
Donate your old computer through Computer Aid International Computer Aid International is a UK-registered ICT for development charity which aims to reduce poverty through practical ICT solutions. They collect IT equipment for distribution in hospitals, universities, schools and not-for-profit organisations in over 100 countries. You can help by donating equipment.
Donate your old glasses to Lunettes Sans Frontiere (Glasses Without Borders) Since 1974, Father Francois-Marie Meyer, of the convent of the Capuchin friars of Hirsingue, collects glasses for the poor impaired-sighted persons. In many homes there are glasses which do not serve any more, but would be very useful in developing countries. You can send them to the address mentioned on their website. They will then be sent to poor people in over 70 countries. The site is only available in French.
Make and donate quilts You can make a quilt and donate to the Wrap Them in Love Foundation, a non-profit, tax exempt organization created to help needy children of the world. Their mission is to collect donated quilts and distribute them to children around the world, so they can be wrapped in love and comfort. As we all know, a quilt is a very special thing. It isn't just a blanket; it has been lovingly created by a real person. A quilter leaves a part of themselves in every quilt they make. The child who receives it will be able to snuggle up in all the love that comes in that quilt.
Turn your car into a charity car This website allows people in Canada to donate their car to a charity of their choice. Only people in Canada can donate.

Most of us have lives filled with things we don't use -- shoes, food, clothes, computers, and more. At the same time, thousands of non-profits and civic-minded people are struggling to get basic items to people in their communities. We see an opportunity to connect these groups together.

Our approach is to mobilize people to donate items in a way that is more social and fulfilling for everyone. Using Good360, donors are given more choice regarding where items go, and they can see the impact of their donations. Non-profits in poor and under-served communities benefit from national exposure and from the power of the internet to mobilize citizens to take action. Most importantly, people in need get an army of advocates to champion their causes.


Lend Through Kiva

Kiva's mission is to connect people, through lending, for the sake of alleviating poverty.

Kiva empowers individuals to lend to an entrepreneur across the globe. By combining microfinance with the internet, Kiva is creating a global community of people connected through lending.

Click on the logo above to be redirected to their website!

Freecycle Just visit the website by clicking the picture to the left. All you have to do is type in where you are located, and it will show freecycle groups for your area. Freecycle helps keep perfectly good and still usable items out of landfills. Members can offer items for others to pick up or put up wanted lists of things they are looking for.