Clicks 4 Charity
Be the change you want to see in the world. -Gandhi
Take Action
Fundraise for your charities
Mightycause enables you to fundraise for your favorite charities. See the website for more info by clicking on the logo above! |
List of Fundraising Ideas for Animal Shelters and Rescues (some are very creative). |
Sign petitions
Sign these important petitions to help animals, people in need and the environment. |
Contact your government officials United States: |
Help homeless animals
Sew Cat/Dog Beds and Cat Hammocks for Shelter Pets! |
The following are resources on how to start a TNR (trap, neuter, return) program in your neighborhood! Low Cost Spay Neuter Search by State (may be outdated) There are MANY other low cost spay and neuter programs that are based on where you live-just do a search for them in your area online! |
The following websites contain a lot of information about recycling! |
The following websites allow you to recycle specific products that are generally hard to recycle: |
Educate through Learning to Give Learning to Give> educates youth about the importance of philanthropy, the civil society sector, and civic engagement. The Learning to Give website offers over 1,400 K-12 lessons and educational resources for teachers, parents, youth workers, faith groups and community leaders free of charge. Find a Charity you can trust with Charity Navigator. Charity Navigator, America's premier independent charity evaluator, works to advance a more efficient and responsive philanthropic marketplace by evaluating the financial health of over 6000 of America's largest charities. |
Rare Earthtones provides ringtones for your cell phone. The ringtones are the sounds of endangered animals. |
Stop animal testing
Hundreds of thousands of animals are poisoned, blinded and killed every year in archaic product tests for cosmetics, personal-care products, household cleaning products and even fruit juices. Although more than 1300 companies have banned all animal tests, some corporations still force substances into animals's stomachs and drip chemicals into rabbits' eyes. These tests are not required by law, and they often produce inaccurate or misleading results. Even if a products has blinded an animal, it can still be marketed to you. The following websites can help you stop animal testing:
Searchable database of companies that do and don't test on animals
Mobile app to find companies that do and don't test on animals
Sometimes volunteering may be difficult-you may not know where to go to volunteer or maybe you would like to find volunteer opportunities that suit your interests. Maybe you live in a rural area where there's few places to volunteer unless you drive a long commute. Volunteer Match is a website where you can put in your location and keyword and it will match you to volunteer opportunities. It also offers online volunteer options! |
PostPals is a website that allows you to write letters, send cards, etc. to sick children in Hospitals to really make their day better! |