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Clicks4Charity Blog

Going "Green"

Posted by Ashtyn on 05 March 2013 at 10:55 PM

I had always wanted to go green and eliminate products such as those tested on animals out of my life. The real boost that got me started was my son's birth. I did not want him exposed to all the chemicals we used everyday, chemicals that are on our clothes, dishes, around our house, etc.

So I started not only ceasing my buying of animal tested products but started looking for natural alternatives as well. I started out mixing essential oils with vinegar and using it as a cleaner. It was hard at first-I was a die-hard bleach fanatic because I am a clean freak :) However, I could tell my new solution cleaned just as well, and, in time, it became my routine.

Next I looked for an alternative to my wash soap. I tried borax and washing soda but didn't care much for the hassle (a baby and house are enough work) or the way it cleaned my clothes. It worked, but I just wasn't happy with it. So I set out to find other products that would do a good job and stay true to my beliefs. I tried method and ology brands before discovering that, though better than my old laundry detergent, they still contained some chemicals (I wanted NONE). I then found eco nuts and am thrilled with the results!

For toliet paper I stayed with ology who offers paper towels and TP that is not made from trees.

See my Green Alternatives page for more info on my "discoveries".

I found Shea Moisture which replaced all my hygiene products-soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, etc. It works better than anything else I've ever used, is ethically traded, sustainably produced, and not tested on animals. It is also chemical free.

I have found replacements for nearly everything in my household that is not natural. Going green is hard-it requires changing old habits and it takes effort to find alternatives. Hopefully, through my journey I can help make others transitiions a little easier!

My next goal is to switch to buying as much of my food organic as I can and to learn when things are in season to avoid buying products that have had to be shipped, etc. My ultimate goal is veganism but with a husband that refuses to stop eating meat, that one is still a quandry for me. The most important part of going green is taking it step by step because it is a lifestyle change and it is difficult.

I will try and keep everyone updated on my journey and try and map a path for others who are also trying to develop a more sustainable, healthy, and natural lifestyle!


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