Clicks 4 Charity
Be the change you want to see in the world. -Gandhi
Clicks4Charity Blog
Updates 5/11/10
Posted by Ashtyn on 11 May 2010 at 12:13 PM
All of the click to donate sites have been checked to ensure they are still generating donations for clicks. The ones that have been verified have an asterisk by them; the ones that do not have an asterisk are ones I am unsure about, but I left them up just in case.
The Search For Charity page is up. Here you can find information on all the different search engines that donate to charity every time you search. There's quite a selection!
I have also included a translator gadjet that will hopefully make it easier to navigate some of the click to donate sites that are in another language.
On a final note, there is also a new gadjet in the sidebar. It allows the viewers of this website to change the websites language, so now this entire website may be viewed in over 52 different lanaguages!
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